Every year for the past years I've been saying I'm going to start working out just like I used to. Recalling back to those times when I used to get up early in the morning or late after school and I’d go jogging with friends or with my sister. We lived in the middle of nowhere so this was easy for us. I don’t every remember doing it because i wanted to be skinny but because i really enjoyed it. Seriously I always have… I’d do it just for fun during my lunch in Middle School. Ever since i can remember I’ve just simply found so much joy in it. The fresh air on my face feeling the warmth of my legs getting tired but my mind not ever allowing them to give out on me because I had to continue all the way to stopping if I needed too. Passing the neighborhood taking in the sight from the houses and trees. If someone was watching me. I would get serious and continue my jog even faster. I did a little bit of everything in High School track and field, soccer, Cheer I even took up softball for a short time. I miss running around for no reason at all. Living in the City makes it nearly impossible because i hate the gym and Seattle hardly is warm enough or dry enough to jog out on the streets. But this year is the YEAR! I'm going to get a membership and love it! And when it’s not raining - I’ll get up put on my shoes and just go! I need to release all my energy let the good one circulate and the bad ones!
This is me currently... I'll post a new pic every month from now till I look completely fit. I'm sort of looking like a box - kind of embarrassing.
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