Did you know that your skin is your biggest organ?
- The health of your skin and the quality of your life are unalterably linked.
- Your skin also plays a big role in that first impression you make when you meet people.
The bottom line is that the state of your skin matters. Make it priority to take care of it this summer.
3 simple things to do for a gorgeous, and healthy skin
- Eat the foods that support healthy skin and that discourage skin problems.
- Sun protect your skin every day so that it stays healthy and strong throughout your lifetime.
- Moisturize your skin to keep it working 24/7 as a strong barrier – it keeps “the outside out and the inside in” for you.
What foods you should try to eat everyday?
Eat a variety of fruits, veggies, whole grains and legumes. They’re filled with the phytonutrients and antioxidants that your skin needs for optimal health. Eat beta-carotene rich foods that give your skin a healthy golden glow. These foods include carrots, yellow squash, leafy greensetc.
If you eat meats, eat mostly those high in vitamin D3 like wild caught salmon and eggs (the yolks specifically).
Eat foods rich in inflammation fighting omega 3 fatty acids; flax seeds are one of the best choices. Addfreshly ground flax seeds to your morning cereal, smoothie or top a salad with them.
Use olive oil. It’s been shown to reduce skin wrinkles.
How does sun protection help keep my skin healthy and strong?
When UV rays shine on your skin they cause a gradual thinning of your skin over time. It’s why the skin on the back of a person’s arms can become so fragile later in life that it tears and bruises easily. It’s also why the sun causes wrinkles. This thinning is, for the most part, irreversible. It’s not just a summer tan that’s harmful, the daily incidental exposure you get from running errands and living on a sunny planet add up too.
Freckling and age spots are often an early sign of sun damage. They too are hard to reverse. Skin cancer is the sun exposure skin problem we all know about, but it’s not the only bad consequence of daily sun exposure.
What does moisturizing have to do with my skin barrier?
Your skin gives you terrific protection from the outside world. It keeps an infinite number of harmful or harsh chemicals out (solvents, housecleaning products, germs, etc.) and it keeps your precious vital fluids in (your body is made up mostly of water and your skin is sort of like a water balloon holding it all in!).
This important skin barrier is protected by layers of dead cells and lipids (oils) that help keep your skin healthy and hydrated and its barrier strong. When your skin is dry, that important barrier begins to weaken. Harmful chemicals are more likely to penetrate (think dishpan hands). The more damaged your skin becomes, the more it dries out. When it’s really damaged it will actually blister and leak (think poison oak, a “rub burn” that feels sticky or severe eczema that weeps).
This is why its so important to use a great well known product. Eat healthy, cleanse the face, moisturize it and protect it from the sun.
Dr. Bailey provided some of this information on her website.
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